K-Academy Learning Centre

Terms and Conditions


Application and Enrolment

  • There will be a non-refundable administration fee of HK$200 per child for enrolment into all courses provided by K-Academy Learning Centre.
  • Your application is only completed when we have received all the details required in the enrolment form by fax, email, post or drop off, together with the appropriate tuition fees.
  • All applicants will receive confirmation by phone or email detailing the commencement of the registered courses.
  • Please note that all places are on a first come first served basis. When a requested class is full we will put your child on the waiting list.
  • If we consider a student to be unsuitably placed, we reserve the right to withdraw the student and we will issue a refund for the balance of the classes that have been paid for.
  • We make all effort to ensure there are no changes in times or teachers but in case of unavoidable circumstances, a suitable replacement option will be offered. We will inform you by email or by phone of any long term changes.


  • 報讀K-Academy 學習中心所有課程均須繳付手續費,每位學生港幣200元,款項概不退還。
  • 申請人必須於報名表格上填妥所有資料,連同學費以及所需文件以傳真、電郵、郵寄方式或親臨本中心呈交辦理,報名方獲接納。
  • 本中心將以電話或電郵方式通知申請人有關已註冊課程的開課資料,以茲確認。
  • 所有課程均以先到先得形式取錄學生,如報讀課程名額已滿,閣下的子女將被編入候補名單。
  • 若發現學生並不適合就讀課程,本中心保留權利,可要求學生退學,並退回已支付學費之剩餘差額。
  • 本中心會盡一切努力確保課程時間和導師不變。倘若情況不許可,我們會另作合適安排。如有任何長期變動,將會透過電郵或電話方式通知閣下。

Payment of Fees

  • Tuition fees are charged on a monthly basis, payable 1 week before the beginning of each month.
  • For students who enroll mid-month, tuition fees will be charged pro rata for the first month.
  • We accept payments by cash or cheques. Please make cheques payable to “KKoncepts Limited”.


  • 課程按月收費,學費須於每月開課一星期前付清。
  • 所有月中插班學生,首月學費將按比例計算。
  • 本中心接受以現金或支票付款,支票抬頭請註明KKoncepts Limited。

Refund Policies

  • Once a place is confirmed and paid for, there will be no refunds.
  • In case of centre closure prior to commencement of a course, our centre will refund in full the course fee collected to students immediately.
  • In case of cancellation of a course, and students decline the revised arrangements offered by our centre, we will refund the course fee collected on a pro-rata basis.
  • Our company will pay the refund by cheque only. All refunds have to be collected by hand at our branch.


  • 學位一經確認,一切已繳費用概不退還。
  • 若中心於課程開課前關閉,本中心會立即退還學生所繳學費的全數金額。
  • 若課程遭取消,學生不接受本中心提供之更改安排,我們將按比例退回部份已支付的學費。
  • 本中心只以支票退款。申請人須親臨領取。

School Terms

  • 1st Term (September – December)
  • 2nd Term (January – April)
  • 3rd Term (May – August)


  • 第一學期(九月至十二月)
  • 第二學期(一月至四月)
  • 第三學期(五月至八月)

Absence and Make-up Classes

  • We offer two FREE private make-up classes (30 minutes) for each student per term with the support of a valid medical certificate.
  • We will charge HK$100 for any additional private make-up class (30 minutes).
  • We will try our best to accommodate the make up class and will offer up to a maximum of 3 times to choose from for each missed class. If these do not match your child’s availability, the make up class will be forfeited.
  • The free make-up class must be taken within the 4-month term. It cannot be accumulated to offset the tuition fees for the following term.


  • 如學生能夠出示有效醫生證明,可獲安排每學期最多兩節免費私人補課,每節三十分鐘。
  • 倘若需要額外私人補課,本中心將收取每節三十分鐘港幣$100的費用。
  • 我們會盡量安排補課,並為每一節缺課提供最多三個時間供閣下選擇。若貴子弟仍無暇出席,恕不另作安排,補課亦隨之被取消。
  • 免費補課只限安排於當個學期,不能累積抵消下學期的學費。

Inclement Weather

  • When the Red Rainstorm warning signal or Typhoon Signal No. 3 is hoisted, classes will continue to be held unless higher signals are forecasted by the Hong Kong Observatory. When the Black Rainstorm warning or Typhoon Signal No.8 is hoisted, there will be no classes. The centre will be closed.
  • In the event of Rain Storm Warnings or Typhoon Signals being lowered during the day, K-Academy Learning Centre will only open under the following conditions:
    1. Warnings lowered before 7:00am – K-Academy Learning Centre will be open at 9:00am
    2. Warnings lowered before 12 noon – K-Academy Learning Centre will be open at 2:00pm
    3. If signals are lowered after 12 noon – K-Academy Learning Centre will remain closed.
  • If in doubt, please call the Centre.
  • K-Academy Learning Centre will be closed on all Public Holidays.
  • We do not open when the warnings for Black Rainstorm or Typhoon Signal Number 8 or higher have been raised. We regret that we cannot arrange make-up classes or refunds for these enforced closures.


  • 當紅色暴雨警告或三號熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時,中心將照常上課,直至香港天文台發出更高警告信號為止。
  • 若天文台發出黑色暴雨警告或八號熱帶氣旋警告信號,中心將全面停課,並關閉校舍。
  • 若天文台改發更低暴雨警告或熱帶氣旋警告信號,本中心上課時間將作以下安排:
    1. 在上午七時前改掛更低警告信號 - 中心將於上午九時開放
    2. 在中午十二時前改掛更低警告信號 -中心將於下午二時開放
    3. 在中午十二時後改掛更低警告信號 -中心將繼續關閉
  • 如有任何疑問,請致電本中心查詢。
  • 本中心於所有公眾假期關閉。
  • 黑色暴雨警告以及八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時,本中心不會開放。關閉期間受影響的課堂恕不獲安排補課或退款。

Accompanying Your Child

  • In line with Social Welfare Department policy, we require all carers/guardians of children less than 3 years to remain on the premises while their children are in class. Limited waiting areas will be provided.
  • For those programmes that have either a cooking component or a snack component, please inform the centre if your child has any food allergies or other health issues.


  • 按照社會福利署條例,所有三歲以下幼兒上課期間,家長或監護人不得離開中心。本中心設有少量座位,方便家長及監護人等候孩子下課。
  • 如孩子有食物過敏或其它健康問題,欲參加設有烹飪或茶點環節的課程,必須通知本中心職員。

Photos and Other Media

Due to the proprietary nature of our courses, the taking of photos and videos is expressly forbidden without the written permission of K-Academy Learning Centre. We also reserve the right to utilize any photos, videos and/or sound recordings of children and their classes, for promotional purposes only, unless otherwise stated by you on our enrolment form.




All participants enrolled in activities at K-Academy Learning Centre do so at their own risk and the company is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to students, their family members, and guests as a result of participating in these activities.



所有報名出席K-Academy 學習中心活動之人士,均須自行承擔一切風險,學生及其家屬和訪客因參加此等活動所引致的任何損失、虧損或傷害,K-Academy 學習中心概不負責。


(Updated 8 Aug 2013)
